2.The soaring palace of the sun.
3.But his false Semblance soon is set aside.
4.But Minya's daughter, his Alcithoe, will take no part in Bacchus' sacred orgies.
5.But while the stalwart son of Danae told story of his feats
6.Their tale was done.
7.Now, in the ship they built at Pagasa
8.Now Lucifer, expelling night, revealed the light of shining dawn.
9.And Theseus, hero dear to Neptune
10.But hymen had to leave the isle of Crete.
11.Such were the songs of Orpheus
12.But father Priam, since he did not know the Aesacus was still alive
13.Ringed by their troops
14.And Glaucus the Euboean, god who haunts the swollen surge
15.Meanwhile they seek a man to meet their needs.
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